Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Malay Torture

especially when it's malay period, i feel the pressure most. the teacher kinda overestimate us, ya know. sometimes we just cant satisfy her, her mood is like the weather; sometimes she's fun to be with, sometimes oh, better not mention. and you know what i actually mean by that i guess. hilariously, she can walk really fast, just like the way when we used to involve ourselves into longrun competition, heh, i challenged her today. it was funny, she cracked me up in the early morning when i was on my way to meet my form teacher to inform her bout our class' attendance. she actually made my day by saying 'look, you much younger and you can walk faster than me, obviously!' then i was like,'heh, thank you and let's challenge again until we meet again!'. 'okay', she laughed. this feels great when you're either making jokes with the teacher or have some time off with them. well, it actually depends on the way the teacher responds. i had a 4-period of malay consequtively!! man, that was quite boring. the teacher was just teaching us the konserto terakhir, only! even though the novel is interesting, as i've admitted before, the teacher shouldnt do that to us when it's obviously next year's syllabus. ridiculously, she's more nervous than us, who are supposed to sit for the SPM next year. she makes me feel like time really flies and it's like, tomorrow is exactly my honour to sit for the SPM!! admire her man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a dedicated teacher.....really.....ya....admire her.....oh man....next year.....really need 2 work hard......
