Wednesday, April 26, 2006


everything remains the same, for now. as bland as usual. i'm still not going anywhere after all the petty mistakes that i've made within theese few months.. perhaps i should call it quit; cant wait for it instead. i dreaded myself to wear a mask each day and crawl to work every single morning. ps: i dont know what i've been doing recently. nothing has changed, nothing needs to be changed anyway. somehow i could see the difference in you, hopefully you would be back again and i'm more than willing to be screwed up, not from anyone else, but you. i love you.

is this drudgery a torture or a signal of happiness?

burden. something's gotta give to make a change.


Anonymous said...

WOW so romantic...

You are in the same situation as my eldest sis... lolz

LYH said...

love is a burden, in some way.
it is also a responsibility.
Love is part of growing up, in some way u will miss ur love.
It is love. U choose to give all ur heart to HIm, good luck babe, and hey have fun. BE urself. hehez

carmen said...


hahaha it's not about 'him' dudee..but yea i do agree with u..u too good luck!! haha..

romantic? lolz..