Monday, February 20, 2006

No Bails!

went for a gathering two days ago. and a party.

doubted it, i never knew such a clash would happen. things didnt really get screwed up though.. thanks for everything. i was overwhelmed, the first thought was that i wouldn't be as much excited i'd get the other day..perhaps it was the spirit that got me through.. i was ecstatic!

here i am, once again, am doubtful. will we ever get together again for such a night? be it glamorous night or not, all of us had fun.. i could see it with bare eyes..think about the abstract question again, i whisper silently, hope.

another one thing crawls into my mind all of a sudden, outta that ray of light, so you think you're always right, as if none of us cares about you and, monitoring such a behaviour - ignorance, so you're surrounded by friends everywhere, what do ya think then? is that what you want? what do you want, actually? you're just asking too much from us man, i need a break down about it. so just, please tell me. i guess though, you'll never know about this and no one's gonna confront me about this, no matter how many hours later. this much i know. and this much is true.

i want you to confess. i need a confession from you. i really do.

family in crisis that only grows older...


Anonymous said...

confession from who? Tell him/her la! Aiya post in blog, who knows what are you talkin to wor...

carmen said...

shuddap haha..blek!