Tuesday, October 14, 2008

doing a little less talking

a slight idea of where i stay. @ Bukit Timah Road.

just so u know, i bought my camera! lol, remember my last post, that i was hesitant if i should loiter around orchard road, well i did! and i got myself a Nikon camera right after that...see, excessive spender, lol. but i know it is all well worth, pictures say a thousand words. most of the time, even that part of speech, is beyond speechless.

i know i look kinda awfully awkward here, but its certainly not a hideous expression from me, dont u agree with me too? =p thats me with the bitterly-brewed coffee and cream soup. well, it was after my class. lunch at the mr bean's, if im not mistaken.

and i guess its better if i would show you my house here.
no this isnt my house, its Ng's Mansion, im proud to be his neighbour. mind you, he's the richest man in singapore, top 40 list, he's at the top of the list! no fooling around..
my neighbours.....
yeah, you're almost there..........

finally, this is it! and yes i know, its obvious. this is gravely taken at night. dont ask me why, lol, because i forgot to take picture during the day, i mean, of the house.

lethargic. i only took 4 hours of sleep this morning. pity me! therefore, please excuse the incoherent typing. i guess i'll put up more posts though, evrything will be flooded with pictures. yeehaww~~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! your house seems to nice and comfortable! you should like it