Friday, October 27, 2006

except a Rado.

there're more of me that you haven't seen.

they think they know me. they think they're very close to me. how could they ever tell, i'm just a person with a name. i guess i gotta chuckle to myself, even next to me is an invisible man. when i try to reach out for you, do you think you'll be able to make it there for me. jeez, everyone tends to get hooked up with our haughty eccentric, like, i have never said i adore-something. people, they have me as a topic in between their conversations, as if i haven't a clue. im upset. they never ask. they have preconceived idea, of me. they dont do it based on sufficient knowledge about me. it is not fair. at all. to me.

but i dont speak up. b.l.a.m.e myself.

on account that you might get carried away when you talk, it's better if you just shuddap! dont speak my language, i dont very much like it. i have been trying to fill up my days with the good memories we once shared; the good ones, stay forever. how many times can i pretend though? i will be tired, if i see no appreciation. hey i dont give n give, without having a slight chance to take at all.. im not as generous as you think, if you presumee! sigh, its an imbalance of justice.

why do i have things to do with injustice, all the time, why? if you find guilt from this writing, its better if you do.

holy crap.

what do i do now? there are good evidences why i am given a fine name, you just havent; ya have to look one for yourself, cheap hypocrite! take that!!

get it? im traiiiing to be generous.

1 comment:

LYH said...

u got another boy?
OMG u didn't tell me...

Take care whatever that happen in your world.
Just remember, u got a teddy bear here that will always listen to ya and cuddle you, and give u some love.

Take care!