Saturday, October 09, 2004

A Rush of Fun To The Head

everything's over. this feels awesome!! what a word, brilliant! Cool, life's never been better, i mean the fake plastic nightmare had gone. i know, it's gone for only a really limited period, but at least i can try to do something i've always wanted to do in this upcoming relaxing days. well, not so relaxing actually, God will never let us feel the great refreshing day. He'll at least let the troubles find you or the other way round: we find troubles. For instance, He'll guide us to the wrong conversation, or coincidentally, having me to say this out for you guys to have ideas on his Generosity. well, without Him though, we wouldnt be so successful right now, i mean at least we have a little achievement. Not reaching for the very high goals, i just mean the very little. great thank yous. wait a minute, what about the culprits? did he purposely plan those? sigh. i'm telling Him, even if i have a really fragile heart at times, my heart wont crumble so easily. i'm gonna set things right! this is exactly what He wants: test our determination, i guess.

today's been great to me. i went out to have some fun with friends and skated out the realisation to having such tremendous fun to heh, getting a life i would say. let alone be the great fun, just enjoy it.

planning what ter do in the holiday...


LYH said... it about HE...
or about the end of ur hell like exam..

well i hope u r happi that the exam ends...
and i am happi for ya too
but mine is getting started...
well ...
need to study too..

Anonymous said... ler that day.....u least 4 now...u can do anything u like....bcause next year....oh 4get about everything n enjoy urself......4 now....
