Saturday, October 23, 2004


as usual, i had to go back to school and had my lessons!! eww man, i was quite mad actually. it was my add maths lesson, my teacher didnt teach us anything as he claimed that next year's syllabus will be really tough and it will be impossible to just teach us this year; when everyone's losing their mood and craving for the yummy holiday, without a textbook, that's fine though! my teacher was talking crap in the first place with the guys sitting in front; guess he was too bored at the moment, then i took out my malay novel, konserto terakhir, and started to flash it all as soon as possible, for your information, it was really an interesting story and yeah, it's about romance!! well, it's considered a good one as to compare to other malay novels. frankly, i didnt read the previous novels, i mean malay novels here. those were all about wars!! eew!! and sigh. back to it, when i found myself started to yawn, *blush* (as i didnt get enough sleep the previous day) then i dived into my dreamland. of course with my teacher's presence and i bet he knew it! when i was sleeping in the middle of nowhere, i heard a tip-tapping on the windows with a cane, *roll my eyes* beside me and i was awoke by it. once i woke up, i found my 'meticulous' principal standing outside scolding me, i was frightened! not being exaggerated, i have never been scolded by any principals, i was shocked for sure and didnt dare to turn my face at all. i just stared at my drawer and listened, well yeah, pretended to be!! then she came into my classroom and walked around to shoot people; keke, one of my classmates was soo unfortunate that he was dragged downstairs to do some useless thingy. i was no doubt, relieved. i was so embarrassed! but my friends told, a lot of students have been a victim before and it's totally ridiculous that we can never sleep in the classroom, even when the teachers arent teaching and the time when we've finished our exam papers!! it turned out that there's a rule written that once we've finished our exams, we are not supposed to be sleeping but to check the answers all over again and again! this is totally out of the mind!! i cant help myself from sleeping man! anyway, this is a real joke to me!

then it went off to account lesson, which i always find it a boring lesson, surprisingly, today went on quite well. i kinda enjoyed the lesson, wondering why now.

nothing much to talk bout my account lesson and here goes my malay lesson, i didnt like it very much but it's always a pressure to attend this teacher's lesson, she pushed us so hardly man, and is always picking one of us, students to answer her terrifying questions. i managed to cope with that though, of course, whenever i face difficulties in answering, there are always friends there to help me out, appreciate it man! well, this teacher is qualified as a dedicated teacher, really. i am considered the lucky ones to be under her actually. so, thank God, that's all i can say. after that, everything went on quite well.

when it comes to my tuition, there were six of us who were actually intended to take lifts by two taxi drivers but it turned out to be really unbelievable!! guess what, the six of us actually sit in the one cab and headed to our spot, be more precisely, the seven of us!! you figure it out, an easy one! that was really incredible!!! i believe this incident will be footprinted into my memory!! this is utter absurd; dont know why, i just have this unsolved feelings.

woah!! cant believe i'm writing this now, it's already the next day!! funny, i'm gonna dive into my dreamland again!! hehe, this time will never get interrupted or anything!! or perhaps something, then it will be the ghosts and the likes!!! ewww, look out, my goosebumps!! *laugh*


LYH said... lucky are u..??
got caught by principle...
i wonder wat happen to our exx principle..

i think it is not fair...coz..nothing to do...and u can't sleep...and teacher is not teaching...
it is totally crap..and pathetic...well...i think u hav bad luck dat day...hehe


seven in a car..>!!!!!! is totally absurd...
it is completely.....impossible...
and u r breaking the rules...
BTW.....6 bucks...for 6's cheap..

anyway...rules are made to be broken..


Anonymous said...

hhhehehehe....if i also got tuition...then there will b more oni i realise that u din complain durin account...y?....weird....
